Orange Jiggermast
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
1 Bottle Fentimans Mandarin and Seville Orange Jigger
Ice Cubes
Slice of Orange
Pineapple Leaf Mast

Old Dock Fashioned
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
1 tsp Sugar
2 Dashes of Bitters
Ice Cubes
Slice of Dried Orange or Twist of Orange Peel to Garnish

Strawberry MOORjito
50ml Lost Dock White Rum
Small handful of Mint Leaves, plus a sprig to garnish
1tsp Sugar
3 Strawberries
25ml Fresh Lime Juice
1 Lime Wedge to Garnish
Soda Water
Ice Cubes

Warm Spiced Apple
250ml Cloudy Apple Juice
Warmed and spiced in a pan with a Cinnamon stick
2 cloves
Strip of Orange Peel
Tea Spoon of sugar, to taste
Then add to
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum

The Lost Dock
By Tamera Thompson at Lu Ban
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
Pineapple Juice
Cranberry Juice
Dash of Bitters
Garnished with an orange wheel and pineapple

Dock & Stormy
50ml Lost Dock Dark Rum
150ml Ginger Beer
2 Dashes of Bitters (optional)
Juice of 1 Lime Wedge, plus one to garnish
Ice Cubes

50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
1 Bottle of Fentimans Dandelion and Burdock
Ice Cubes
Twist of Orange Peel

Gun Powder
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
Level teaspoon of sugar
Your Favorite Black Tea
Hot Water

Boiler Room
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
Over Ice
Topped up with Carnival Brewing Companies' Macau - Oat Cream and Pistachio Coffee Pale Ale
Check out their full range of beers here

Shoreman's Punch
By Tamera Thompson at Lu Ban
50ml Lost Dock Spiced Rum
Orange Juice
Pineapple Juice
Dash of Bitters
Lemon juice
Orange wheel and cherry garnish